Banks and loans

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

List of Student Loan and Scolarship From Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE)

List of Student Loans from Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia/Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia(MOHE) for students in IPT(Higher Education Institution)

* Scholarship and loan schemes under KPT(MOHE)

1. Scholarship/Training Award

Skim Latihan Akademik IPTA(SLAI)(IPTA Academic Training Scheme) and Skim Latihan Akademik Bumiputera(SLAB)

Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan (Federal Training Award)

Skim Latihan Tenaga Pengajar Teknikal (SLTP)(Technical Teachers Training Scheme

Biasiswa Sukan (Sport Scholarship)

2. International Scholarships

Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP)

Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP)

Malaysian International Scholarship (MIS)

KPT's International Scholarships (new)

3. Financial Loans and Assistances

Pinjaman Pelajaran Peringkat Sijil Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti( Student Loan for Polytechnic and Community College)

Bantuan Kewangan Pelajar Kolej Komuniti(Financial Assistance for Community College Students)

Bantuan Kewangan Program Asasi IPTA(Financial Assistance For IPTA's Matriculation Program)

Elaun Khas OKU(Special Allowance For OKU(Disable People)

Pendidikan Khas Politeknik( Special Education Polytechnic)

4.Legislation and Payment

Tabung Pinjaman Pelajaran KPT(KPT Education Loan Fund)

Gantirugi Biasiswa

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